Blackford's dog gatecrashes PMQs leaving SNP chief red faced 'Makes more sense than you!

Ian Blackford grilled the Prime Minister over the lobbying scandal which has engulfed the Conservative party which now includes Boris Johnson after texts were leaked between himself and entrepreneur James Dyson. While the SNP leader pinned down the PM to answer questions surrounding the conversation about ventilator production, Mr Blackford’s dog could clearly be heard in the background interrupting the question. The Prime Minister could not resist delivering a remark about the dog as the Commons erupted in laughter. 

Prime Minister Boris Johnson faced a barrage of questioning from opposition benches for his conversation with James Dyson after leaked texts show the PM was willing to fix tax issues to secure ventilation production from the businessman. 

Mr Blackford grilled the Conservative leader over the conversation and urged him to share the full conversation. 

He said: “Let’s all see it, let’s have that transparency because frankly his excuses don’t stack up.

“Last March the Prime Minister and the Chancellor had all the time in the world to fix contracts for friends and Tory donors. 

“But did not have any time to support the millions of self-employed. 

“Those three million people didn’t have a David Cameron or a James Dyson to text the Prime Minister for them.”

But as Mr Blackford was getting to the end of his questioning his dog could be heard loudly barking in the background which threw the politician off. 

He ended by calling for an inquiry as the House of Commons was noticeably attempting to stifle laughter. 

Mr Johnson replied: “He says we’ve had all the time in the world but as the house will recall in March last year the pandemic was taking off very fast. 

“I think people up and down the country will understand and I thought his dog just made a more sensible contribution than he did.”

The House of Commons then roared with laughter as they struggled to settle down after the remark. 


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