Asian schoolgirl, 11, writes 'help… robbers!' on wall during San Francisco home invasion

Asian schoolgirl, 11, writes ‘help… robbers!’ on wall during Zoom class after being forced into bathroom by intruder who ransacked her family’s San Francisco home

  • Girl, 11, was forced into bathroom at her cousin’s San Francisco home by two male intruders on Friday
  • Afraid she would be killed or kidnapped, girl scrawled ‘help…robbers!!!’ on bathroom wall 
  • Robbers stuffed pillowcases with American and foreign currency, and camera equipment before fleeing 
  • Homeowner said hours earlier, someone had broken into his car, slashed tires and stolen garage door opener 
  • It is unclear at this time whether the family were targeted by the crooks for being Asian-American 

Fearful for her life, an 11-year-old Asian-American girl scrawled ‘help…robbers!!’ on the wall of a bathroom after being locked inside by intruders who had broken into her family’s San Francisco home and stripped it of valuables. 

The victim was doing remote-learning on Zoom at her cousin’s home in the Portola district on Friday afternoon when two men forced their way inside.

One of the perpetrators grabbed the child by her shirt and forced her into the bathroom.

An 11-year-old girl scrawled this plea for help on the bathroom wall at her cousin's house in San Francisco while two men were robbing the residence

An 11-year-old girl scrawled this plea for help on the bathroom wall at her cousin’s house in San Francisco while two men were robbing the residence 

The owner of the home points to his young cousin's message on the wall

The owner of the home points to his young cousin’s message on the wall 

The girl was afraid that she would be kidnapped or killed, so she wrote her plea for help on the wall with a pencil, reported KGO-TV. She was not physically harmed.

With the child out of the way, the pair of intruders proceeded to stuff the homeowner’s pillowcases with thousands of dollars worth of American, Chinese and Korean currency that was in the house, along with expensive camera equipment, before making their escape.

The home invasion is being investigated by the San Francisco Police Department’s Burglary Detail. 

The owner of the burglarized home said that his troubles that day started earlier, when he discovered that his car had been broken into while he was tending to the graves of his deceased relatives at a cemetery in Colma.

The robbers used pillowcases to carry valuables, including foreign currency and expensive camera equipment

The robbers used pillowcases to carry valuables, including foreign currency and expensive camera equipment 

The child was unharmed during the home invasion, which took place while she was doing remote-learning on Zoom

The child was unharmed during the home invasion, which took place while she was doing remote-learning on Zoom 

The man’s daughter-in-law wrote in the description of a GoFundMe campaign that the car’s window was smashed and the tires were slashed. it was later discovered that the criminals had also stolen the car owner’s garage door remote.

‘We though it was a hate crime and reported it to the Colma police,’ the woman added.

The family suspect that the person or people who had broken into the car in Colma took down the owner’s home address, went over there and were able to get inside using the pilfered garage door opener.

The homeowner said that hours earlier, someone had broken into his car (pictured), slashed his tires and stolen the garage door opener

The homeowner said that hours earlier, someone had broken into his car (pictured), slashed his tires and stolen the garage door opener

‘My family and the neighbors are all devastated with the tremendous loss, but thankful that no one got hurt,’ the daughter-in-law wrote. ‘However, still scared that these robbers are still out there.’ 

It is unclear at this time whether the family were targeted by the crooks for being Asian-American, but the incident comes amid a surge of violence and harassment directed at that community across the US.


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