Sturgeon faces leadership vote tomorrow as detail in QC’s report hints leader not yet safe

An investigation by James Hamilton QC has ruled the First Minister did not breach the code after allegations she failed to record meetings with Mr Salmond and others in 2018.

Ms Sturgeon referred herself for investigation after questions were raised about her conduct in relation to the Scottish Government’s actions in an unlawful investigation into sexual assault allegations against Mr Salmond.

The probe into the First Minister’s conduct has hung over the Scottish government like plague for months, with Ms Sturgeon facing calls to resign if she was found to have broken the rules by which ministers should conduct themselves.

While Mr Hamilton’s report cleared the SNP leader of any wrongdoing, it is just the first hurdle in a momentous week in Scottish politics.

Mr Hamilton’s 61-page report says while it is his opinion Ms Sturgeon’s actions did not break the ministerial code, “it is for the Scottish Parliament to decide whether they were in fact misled”.

It means attention now turns to the findings of a Scottish Parliament inquiry into whether Ms Sturgeon gave an “inaccurate account” of her meetings with her predecessor during an evidence session to MSPs under oath.

The report is due to be published tomorrow with leaks indicating it is likely to find the SNP leader failed to tell the truth.

It will be followed by a no confidence vote in the First Minister, tabled by the Scottish Tories.

More to follow…

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