'No hope for EU reforms' Czexit leader gives damning take on Brussels' failures

Speaking to Express.co.uk, the leader of the Odchod Czexit Movement, from the Czech Republic, claimed eurosceptics who once led the charge against the European Union and now hope to change it from within, are better off giving up on the bloc.

Former Italian deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini and National Rally leader Marine Le Pen have moved on from their strong anti-EU rhetoric and are opting for a softer approach towards the Brussels bloc in the hope they could reform it from the inside.

But Mr Gregor, 18 years old and a staunch eurosceptic who believes his country should leave the EU, says Italians and French interests would be better looked-after outside the bloc.

He told this website: “I think Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen are a big hope for Italy and France but I don’t think there is any hope for the European Union.

“The same way Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party didn’t think there was hope for Great Britain in the EU.

“I don’t think that the European Union can be reformed, which is why we joined the Eurexit Movement.

“People like Matteo Salvini and Le Pen should work towards exiting the EU. This would be the best they can do for their countries.”

The young eurosceptic believes the point of no return for the EU was reached with the Lisbon Treaty in 2009.

The Czech Republic joined the EU in 2004. Almost 20 years from that fatal moment and the country is yet to even join its common currency.

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“So people are angry. People are confused, people don’t know what the European Union is.

“And if they don’t know what the European Commission is…for people in the Czech Republic the European Union is something like the Soviets.

“It looks like one big country in Europe which has caused loss for our country, which has forbidden something for us and which caused a migration crisis in South Europe.

“So people don’t know many things about being European. They see the European Union like a big bank.

“And people don’t want the euro in the Czech Republic. We have Czech crowns and we like them, but the European Union is still coming at us with the euro.”

The young Czexit campaigners have also recently joined the Eurexit Movement, a cross-party and cross-border eurosceptic initiative.

The group launched in January thanks to eurosceptics from Italy, France and Spain, with the help of the Brexit Party from the UK.

The movement is now growing, with members from Ireland and Bulgaria joining the team, as announced on the group’s Twitter account on Thursday.

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